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The main two barriers to installing solar for strata organisations are reported to be:

ONE ~ Usually, the Body Corporate's investment leads to reduced bills for tenants.

We have developed a revenue solution; a financial return on your investment going into your Sinking Fund.

TWO ~ Volunteer Body Corp committees don't have the time or the expertise to implement a revenue solution,

even if one was provided to them.

We offer independent expert opinion on the viability of a revenue solution for your site and have the time and the experience to implement it.

Revewing Graphs


Tailored to your needs

Whether you require:

  • a recommended solar revenue solution

  • an independent review of your proposed solar solutions, or

  • full implementation of the solar revenue solution

...or all of the above, the Solar Revenue Company will tailor our services to ​your requirements.


Providing advice, comfort and confidence

There are many solar options out there, and many solar providers offering a plethora of solutions.

  • Which should you choose?

  • How do you know you're being offered the best solution available for your circumstances?

  • What happens if you recommend a proposal to owners that doesn't provide the best solution?

The Solar Strata Company provides independent, expert advice to give Body Corp committees the confidence to proceed, knowing they have chosen a recommended solution and have covered themselves, legally, by checking their  proposal is suitable.

Friendly Handshake
Solar Panel Installation


Managing the process

It's not just a matter of slapping the panels on the roof.
Designers, installers, owners, property managers, banks, billing companies all need to be communicated with - the project needs managing, not just installing. 
We provide this service, following proven procedures and using proven templates to ensure every party knows and delivers on their roles - saving you the time and hassle of ensuring the continuing success of the solar solution.

Body Corporate Solutions: Features
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